Example of Caesura
Caesura is indicated by the mark " | | " as is shown in the following lines of Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel :
Caesura is a pause in the rhythmic progression in a line of poetry. Caesuras or caesurae is the plural form of Caesura. The caesura often is used to stress the formal metrical structure of a line but it more of sometimes introduces the cadence of natural speech patterns and habits of phrasing into the metrical scheme.
Example of Caesura
Caesura is indicated by the mark " | | " as is shown in the following lines of Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel :
In friendship false, | | implacable in hate,
Resolved to ruin | | or to rule the state;
Caesura is used to bring variety in the natural rhythm. It also produces metrical subtlety and makes meanings sharp and distinct.